Seth Rollins hanging out with fans after the dark match in Detroit.

They chanted CM Punk because Apollo Crews and Ambrose were doing great holds for 2 straight minutes during the "commercial break" you can when they go to commercial because our big monitor was what was going to be aired and it would fade to black after obvi commercial spots.

Also, as a Detroiter. Fuck off.

We're considered a cool City by the talent. We got the shane return, we convinced Vince to turn New Day - that day. Stone Cold threw the title into the river. Taker won his first WWE title here. Bret Harts last actual match for WWE in America was here (dont count that bullshit in 09). We have Cena's first PPV win. Mania 23 and how killer that was. We got fucking Darren Young cheered.

Rant over. FTP.

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