Reddit, what's your creepy story?

Like most kids in high school we were bored one weekend and decided to go do some weird nj adventures. We had t9 cars loaded with about 8 of us in total. We drove down the road had the typical lights follow us but just assumed it was other high school kids bored on a weekend. We then went to the bridge and tried the coin trick nothing happened. So at this point me abd about 7 of my drunk friends are pissed that nothing has happened so we say fuck it I guess will try and instigate some shit. We drunkenly start ding dong ditching houses on the road. Eventually we got bored of that and convinced ny buddy, I'll call him matt to shit in a bag and leave it on one of the sketchy houses porch, however we needed a bag so we stopped at the dunkin infront of the road to make him get a bag and shit in it. While at dunkin acting like a bunch of obnoxious drunk kids we say how we were on the road and nothing happened. A few locals went out of their way to share there creepy stories on the road, including a couple being surrounded by weirdos in hoods when they ended up with a flat on the road. We laugh it off as just locals trying to fuck with us and are coordinating our plan known as put matt's shit bag on a pourch and light it on fire. When this super pale chick with dyed hair walks into the place alone. She was acting really weird. All the locals gave her a bit of distance and did not interact with her. In fact she did not order anything just started talking to a bunch of my buddies. She tried to tell them that all the rumors about the road were bs and that we should go with her to meet her friends for a bonfire at a place she had up by the road. Halfof my dumb friends were all for it but me and a fewothers had thst gut feeling whereyou just know something is wrong. Eventually we convicted our other friends not to go and she seemed upset and left after they said no. As soon as she walked out the door my friends started busting on us for being pussies however the localsat the place told my buddies that they should listen to us because they also got a weird vibe from her.. Fwi crazy albino groups are one of the rumors of people that attack others in the woods on Clinton road.

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