Reddit, who's THAT person in your neighborhood, and what does he/she do?

When I lived in a city neighborhood we had quite a few.

  • Cell phone guy. This was a homeless/crazy/drunk person who would stroll up and down the side street in the summer with a 40 in a paper bag and talk into his "cell phone," which was actually just his hand with thumb and pinky extended to look like a cell phone.

  • The next-door neighbor who watched every single person on the street like they had no right to be there. If you parked your car near her house, she'd rush to the door and stare at you while you turned off your iPod and put your windows up and got out of your car. She once called the police on me for washing off my porch, and every time she heard voices in the courtyard she'd peek out her side door to see what was going on.

  • The neighbors with the dogs. They lived next door to each other. One had a big, old, blind, and deaf golden retriever that would stand out in their yard for an hour barking at nothing. He'd be standing there staring at the ground and just barking. The other neighbors had this shitty little white dog that would run up to the fence barking its head off whenever anyone would walk by. It was fun to see people get the shit scared out of them by this little dog though.

  • The drinkers. As soon as the weather was tolerable they'd be out in their backyard drinking by 2pm, and they'd drink all day and into the night. They would become increasingly loud and would often fight late into the evening.

  • The drug seeker. This lady lived across the cortyard from me and would often sit outside to talk on the phone and smoke. One day I guess she overheard me on my porch saying that I'd gotten hydrocodone for a recent hospital visit. I had never met this woman before-- we'd seen each other but merely said hello. She came up the next day, introduced herself, and asked to buy my painkillers. She had a Newport in her mouth and a Nascar scrunchie in her hair. After that I tried to avoid her because she'd always try to talk to me and she'd talk for 25 minutes about her family drama with her sister and her medical issues and anything else you'd listen to.

/r/AskReddit Thread