Redditors, what is your shit happens academic story?

College psychology class, day of a test. One of those big auditorium classes with 100-200 students in it. For the purpose of the story, let's say my name is Gerald Ford.

Campus officer comes into the class as the scan tron sheets are being passed out. "Excuse me, is there a John Ford in this class?" Nobody says anything. Officer walks out of the classroom. A couple minutes later, still haven't started the test. Officer walks back in. "Sorry guys - is there a Gerald Ford in this class?"


"Come with me"

Cue a hundred students around me going "OHHHHHHH"

I walk out of the room, where the officer proceeds to tell me that my car had caught on FIRE in the parking lot.

Well, shit.

Ask what I should do. He tells me, "Oh, just go back in and take your test. We'll talk when you're done." Ok.

Needless to say, I didn't do well on the test, couldn't really focus. I believe I got a 55.

/r/AskReddit Thread