Redditors who are now married because you didn't know how to break up with your significant other, how is that going for you?

For me it comes in waves. Sometimes I feel so head-over-heels in love with him, that kind of love where I could just stare at him while he watches TV with a big dopey smile on my face. I will get excited when my phone rings hoping it's him. I do look forward to doing pretty much any leisure activity with him and when I do stuff alone I wish he was there with me to share in it. This is crazy because I was always the kind of person to love doing things alone. I would prefer doing most things alone. Now, I still find pleasure in being alone but I find myself thinking that it would be so nice to have him along as well. I have never felt that way about anyone, romantic interest or otherwise.

I also enjoy normally shitty activities when he is around. Tonight at 7, we have to drive 3 hours to an event we will be at for 4 hours and make the drive back home to work in the morning. I am actually pretty excited about it because we get to spend 6 driving hours together. That kind of feeling is really nice.

Other times I feel content. Sometimes grumpy. Often frustrated. But the consistent overtone in all of my feelings, even when I am beyond pissed off, is a deep, passionate love. It helps that the things i get upset about are not things like deception or abuse, more like "Did you really call off sick today and play video games and then ask me what is for dinner as soon as I get home from work?" kind of upset.

But after 6 years married, it sometimes feels MORE passionate than it did at the beginning. Other times I am scrubbing the toilet thinking "What has my life become". I know to some 6 years married is still honeymoon phase, but I find that we become more enthralled with the other every year, so I am hoping this keeps up for a while!

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