Redditors who gave an unfaithful spouse a second chance, what's your story and how did that turn out?

I lived with a friend in college and we had an apartment together and she was dating a guy from our hometown that had recently moved to California. He had some family issues but that definitely does not excuse his behavior. They had been dating for a few months and she would pay for him to fly back and forth to come visit and once he stayed in our apartment for a few months rent free (don't even get me started on that). Anyway, he had done some questionable things regarding trust in the past but when he "moved in" shit hit the fan. Turns out he had been using her computer to search for "thick black women" on craigslist and had gone out on multiple occasions to meet up with them and get blowjobs. This went on for months, he would facebook chat other girls he had been with in the past and then leave it up on her computer and she would just blatantly ignore it was happening. She was pretty self-conscious and thus desperate for any attention from guys and this guy was the typical "peaked in high school" douchebag. He was older than us and was a total loser. She continued to stay with him until he broke up with her, but thankfully he moved out of our apartment after I told her she couldn't have her deadbeat boyfriend mooching off of us.

She gave him not just a second chance, but a third, fourth, fifth etc. and he didn't change. I think the whole ordeal speaks more to her character than his, but she is now with a new boyfriend and we're not friends anymore (because of her issues with guys) but I heard she is happy. She still has a lot of trust issues and is extremely self-conscious and wants to always please the guys she is with and is terrified they will leave her. This guy really fucked her up so moral of the story is, second chances don't work, if they have disappointed you once they will do it again. Cut the cord before they fuck you up permanently.

TL;DR: Best friend/roommate in college dated a guy whom she caught surfing craigslist for the occasional beej from big booty black biddies and chatting up exes on fb. She gave him multiple chances until he left her with nothing but trust issues.

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