
If someone can't see why NATO members might be more willing to house Ukranian refugees then they haven't thought about it hard enough.

If NATO leaves the bulk of the refugees to the eastern states and then those states get overwhelmed, that significantly weakens the east side of NATO against Russia.

Additionally, countries are usually more willing to take women and children than they are men. Ukranian men 18-60 aren't allowed to leave Ukraine while a huge chunk of syrian refugees were young males.

Moreover, Ukranians have much more national identity and are more likely to return home than middle eastern people are. The Afgan army rolled over in defeat to the taliban in part because the US could never convince them to actually care about the nation of Afghanistan. Many simply fought to shelter and food.

Many Ukranians are more educated and the friction of religion is barely present. If refugees can come to a country and enter the work force as quickly as possible reducing the need for government support then those countries are more likely to accept.

Also quite a few refugees from the middle east destroyed their documents upon entering a destination country and could not be identified as legitimate refugees. As the Ukranian government is helping to facilitate the identification of Ukranians this makes it easier to accept them.

Finally people are forgetting that Europe accepted so many refugees that it was declared a crisis to feed, house, and educate so many people. I am sure if this conflict draws out Europe will tire of accepting refugees. There has also been no Ukranian terror attacks. If there had been sentiment would change overnight.

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