Reminder that if you are against open borders you are consigning millions of people in the third world to death consequence of impending climate doom

Open borders doesn't mean forcing them to come here dumbass.

You're the one talking about millions of people and the need for absolute open borders in your nation, not me. I didn't say anything about force.

Taking away choices from brown people

Choices of what? To be world welfare queens? Not, you know, develop their own communities? This is the grand project now? This is all you can think of?

the white man is telling them anything and it's when he says "No you can't come here".

Again with this weird American idpol race obsessed white/other narrative. "Here" is presumably a majority white western nation like the U.S. currently, yet you are talking about places on the other side of the world. Why is this the only possible option in your head? In your crazy water world scenario why are SEA people not moving to northern India or China? Those nations can't help? Won't? Only the white man has the competence and strength to lift this burden alone.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread Parent