Reposters of Reddit, what are your most successful reposts and were you knowingly reposting?

I have two quite successful reposts, actually. The first, is my Bitchy Brenda Story. That's the one where I tell the tale of a 17 year old teenager I worked with at a water park who was lazy, rude, racist, and elitist to the point where she became the most hated guard on the force. I actually caught kids in the staff house (where the time clock and lockers are) offering to pay kids time and a half, pizzas, etc to avoid an 8 hour shift with her, because she was so unreliable and so unbearable to be with. Kids literally memorized her ID number and bribed other kids t take shifts with her. It all came to a close in the middle of the summer, when she berated a black family and called them a bunch of retarded niggers to their face, before challenging them to find a manager to punish her. When we wen up to confront her, she berated us further and assaulted the General Manager of the park before making a dashing escape to her car, which failed because she forgot her keys. Even if she did, we could have locked the area down. I post it because people love the story. It's a long one, and I think it's nice to see someone like that get their comeuppance in the most eipic manner possible. The second, is my Runescape Rant. I hate Jagex, I hate them with every fiber of my being, and this rant shows how I was a power player on runescape and how I watched them destroy their own game. It was like watching a city get ravaged by nuclear fire. You were just watching, but couldn't stop it. They used to compete with WOW and such. My friends and I invested our time into that game, we had 800M in gp and probably over 600M in tangible assets at any time split between our friends, back when that meant something. I learned Economics and Business from that game, and still think about that game for examples in my business courses. Even used it for a report once. But seriously, fuck Jagex. I can't even play that game without feeling dirty. And 2007Scape? What a fucking insult. As for knowlingly doing so? Definitely. But only in relevant threads and with taste. I'm not going to spam threads with Runescape in them.

/r/AskReddit Thread