Republicans Are Failing at Governing. And They Know It.

I'm in a very similar boat. I'm probably a little left of center (what is center anymore anyway?) but I just cannot stand the way my family thinks. Basically my entire family are cookie-cutter right-wing fundamentalists. I'm the black liberal sheep in the family and in the past we were able to move past our ideological differences and have a good time together.

The problem now is that they are becoming increasingly more aggressive. Whenever I visit I actively try to avoid politics because it gets way too heated, but it seems like we can't go five minutes before one of them says something that really grates on my nerves.

My dad now prays for me every night because he sees liberals as sub-human and he can't stand the fact that I'm not like him. He's always parroting shit like "liberalism is a mental disease", and some of them will say downright evil shit like "global warming is obviously a liberal hoax, but if it were true then that would be okay too because all the coastal liberals would be the first to drown" - it's just too much, and I'm not even chipping at the tip of the iceberg. All they literally do all day long is sit around and watch FOX News and listen to people like Rush Limbaugh to top off their daily dosage of hatered. Then they preach to me about how I need to start including God in my life. It's way too tiring. End rant.

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