Rift Rivals 2019 NA-EU / Day 1 / Live Discussion

TLDR: I think DL and some NA guys may trash talk but are a bit more likable as opposed to G2 which I think does it in bad taste! Made me a die hard NA fan at all tournaments (versus a slight NA fan). Open to comments on my analysis below and will give gold to the top response!

As a DL fan I usually rooted against TSM (except when he was on the team) on domestic matches. Today I rooted for them so hard given the way some EU guys have acted recently.

The fact is these G2 guys seem a bit unlikable in my opinion in terms of trashtalk ect. Either they are faking it to create hype or a little bit arrogant and actually believe what they say. Either way they come off poorly in my (NA) opinion. As much as I was anti TSM before Berg was always a stand up guy and if he started fake trash talk (other than as a joke) I'd lose respect for him. These G2 guys create real anti-EU sentiment in my mind. Here is an example below.

DL, the go to guy on trash talk, usually doesn't beat down opponents they beat and always puts trash talk in a light manner. He could have crush Zvens reputation for example over the past year as he usually got a little better of the match up but even though he came out a bit ahead he always said Zven was one of the best ADC's in na (even admitting he was a side hire at points). DL did make a mistake over the split and talk trash post game on one bot lane (which I think was in bad taste) but in the vast majority of cases he is calculated enough not to do this.

Meanwhile Perkz makes fun of DL's performance on Xayah in LCS right AFTER Perks crushed him in MSI AFTER DL ate crow post game. Any PR oriented person with half a brain would flip and build the guy up after the MSI interview yet he choose to go more aggressive. I'm sure that hurt DL a bit as everyone knows he thinks he can still beat perkz easy with perkz's limited adc experience yet was smart enough to play the company line and take his loss in hand. Of course DL streams #forperkz in the ultimate power move and comes out on top but regardless of the outcome it rubbed me the wrong way.

In my opinion seems like these G2 guys are either fake trash talkers, socially awkward, or a bit arrogant. There is a play book for this in every sport along the same lines from boxing (mayweather / Ali) to MotoGP (Rossi) to any sort of sport. All the greats follow the same PR strategy more or less in my opinion that DL is onto and far different from G2's line. I actually think DL is one of the best of all time in this matter. See Valentino Rossi after he started to lose on Ducati or Connor McGregor after he lost to Nate Diaz (MMA). They accept the loss but you can tell they still ooze confidence. DL faked it so hard post interview you actually believed the guy was defeated! That's real talent.

This is just my personal opinion and I am a DL fanboy of course so happy to hear outside opinions. Its all PR and maybe I am just biased on this one and out of touch! Maybe these guys have the new bad guy line that resonates with the younger audience and gamers and I'm an idiot. The only reason I raised this even is that the comments were all quite positive on G2 in every aspect.

Open to comments on my analysis below and as I said reddit Gold to the top response as long as it has reasonable thought and not "your old", "NA sucks", ect.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread