Riot Lyte says that in a recent poll on Reddit shows that most solos will play DQ even when Solo Queue comes out.

You know why i like dynamic queue better than solo?? Cause ever since i started playing ranked i've wanted to be able to play with more than 1 friend. It was always awkward having to ditch 1 friend to play ranked with another especially when we're all in roughly the same elo. (Give or take a couple divisions)

I've played solo in dynamic a bunch of times and honestly i don't even notice a difference. I seriously don't know why people are complaining. I can see how there'd be issues in higher elo games but let's be real....there's only a small % of people in high elo compared to everyone else SO FOR THE MOST PART - Dynamic queue caters better to a majority of the community.

I've also notice flaming / trolling have gone down when i play solo. The trolling has probably been helped by the new champ select the most but i don't get flamed anywhere near as much as i used to. Toxicity has definitely decreased imo.

You complain that dynamic queue doesn't show off your individual skill, i just don't understand this. I get the feeling you think that everyone who plays dynamic queue are going to 5 man and go think of pro lvl strats. I still vs my lane opponent 1v1, does that not show my skill? Or do you mean to say that it's harder to carry the game on your own now? You might as well ask Riot for a 1v1 ranked map and go test your individual skill there. I don't understand how just because i'm playing with friends it means i can't show off my individual skill.

My experience playing dynamic with friends is we stick to champs we're comfy on, stick to lanes we're comfy in, and we play how we would normally. The only major difference is we can communicate a little better, i.e. letting each other know when spells are down, whos missing, objectives are up etc. These are all things we do already simply by typing or pinging.

On top of that i rarely queue up as 5 man simply because we can't find enough people. Majority of the time we queue as 3 or 4 and even when i play solo, i notice the exact same thing. People who queue as 5 are more than likely to be matched with another 5 man queue so those solo players won't get screwed over! Have you ever played solo and vsed a 5 man team with no one else on your team being duo? We don't win every game, we aren't climbing extremely fast, we get shit on in lane and we've been on more than 1 loss streak. But hey guess what? We're all improving after every game, win or lose, simple as that.

I'm still down to have a solo queue, i'd probably play it but most of my time will be in dynamic regardless if im playing solo or with friends and i guarantee you'll see toxicity increase in the soloQ ladder.

Now having said that, everytime i see these types of posts i can't help but think that you, aren't affected by dynamic queue 1 fucking bit. >What the hell happens when Player A from 50-game, five-man queue decides to finally queue solo and he's way behind the rest of his MMR Ummmm maybe because you can only queue with people within 1 tier of your rank?? So even if Player A came off a 50 game, 5 man queue and starts playing solo, his ranked shouldn't be affected all that much. It's not like Player A is in sliver and was playing with a bunch of diamonds or hasn't improved over the 50 games (assuming he's even climbed throughout those 50). You're getting too worked up on hating dynamic queue and you start to make up all these "what ifs" when in reality i doubt anything like this has happened.

The way you make it seem is that those who play solo will 100% run into a 5 man queue and get stompped, even if you were to run into a 4 man queue the chances you have a 4 man queue on your team should be pretty high.

It measures individual players when we are given the option to queue and climb as a group. How does that make any sense at all? You're absolutely HAVE THE OPTION to play as a group. You can still play solo and earn your individual rank if it's so important to you.

Why do I benefit from the group of players I choose to play with? I have an individual ranking and I should be held to it as an individual. What the fuck? How about all those soloQ games you got carried or the ones where you did poorly, you just return the LP since you should be held to your rank as an individual. Cause those random soloQ players didn't help you at all... you didn't benefit from being matched with them. How about we ask Riot to ditch the rank system altogether and ask them to work on a way to individually asses our play every game and base our rank off that instead? Jesus fucking christ. The competitive integrity of this ladder is absolute trash, and the people who are playing could just as easily play Ranked 3s or 5s (or Normals for that matter). My friends and i actaully tried ranked 5's once. We got shit on. Over and over and over. It started off well, and then we got matched with teams that had diamond players on their team and we'd be so out matched we stood no chance. We honestly did give it a try, we really wanted to played ranked together but it was extremely inconsistent that we just gave up. And no, the people playing ranked can't go play norms, how about YOU go play norms since you seem to hate ranked so much. There's a reason my friends and I rather queue together in ranked than norms, simply because there's 0 competitive integrity in norms.

I trust when Riot say that their polls show favourtism towards dynamic queue. What you need to understand is reddit is only a very small part of the league community. There are millions of players out there who probably prefer dynamic queue to solo, but the reddit circle jerk makes it look like everyone hates dynamic queue.

Where's your proof that dynamic queue is inherently worse than solo?? Have you had extremely bad experiences with dynamic queue? Tell us... please...because every single one of these posts scream hate but provide no evidence. So i want you to explain to me; Have you had any bad experiences with dynamic queue? Do you personally know anyone where they got carried to a higher elo because of dynamic queue? Where if they played solo they'd get completely shit on? Why do you hate dynamic queue?

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