RIP Nichole "Ozzy" Ossman

This saddens me. We need a cultural shift. There are so many different ways, state sponsored or private, to pull you out of the dark mental places in which you may find yourself. But people don't attend to their own mental health, and they mock those that do. Some people even delight in cause mental anquish in others.

This stigma against mental health patients extends even to the professionals who can strip patients of their rights and freedom via the sectioning system which essentially criminalizes thought, bypasses due process and authorizes lethal force to do so. Beyond that there are psychiatric prisons where you can be held indefinitely without trial on the perceived likelihood of crimes. Most people don't attend to their own mental health, so they don't get to see the horrors of the system.

Needless to say that people aren't flocking to receive their treatment. They're not standing up and letting people know that they aren't ok. The see the mockery and derision that we reserve in this society for those under mental distress. They see the inhumane treatment at the hands of doctors and nurses.

It's too late to save her, but someone is walking that edge. It's ok. You can tell someone that you aren't ok. You have chemical, therapeutic and social safety nets that can help you. Doesn't have to be the state. You can cook antidepressants on your stove top if you so desire. Just let someone know you're not ok. I understand that each treatment method has its own risks and benefits. But give it a shot. There are a lot of other people out there that aren't ok. They can relate to you, whether they open up about it or not. Some people will mock you, harass you, treat you like a lesser person. That's on US. If you see someone that's not ok, treat them like a human being. Treat their words with weight. Show compassion and understanding. Make it ok to admit that you're not ok, and people will come forward and seek treatment. So yeah, that's my take on the matter.

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