Risk to patients, dentists, hygienists and staff

Weve been advised to screen over the phone, have signage in office and to screen in treatment rooms. There is protocols listed on what to do if it’s a person of interest. We’ve been rebooking pt even if they say just developing one symptom or just unwell. We don’t use N95 masks, my concern is PPE orders on back log. PPE is trickling in due to back orders and limits, many offices do just in time orders and I’d say many caught off guard with the extreme amount of orders placed with suppliers in short amount of time and not just by dental offices. Box of masks at reception are now behind the desk though ( pt can still get if need while waiting) because pts were taking a few on their way out for home use, I mean I get why they want to but if everyone did that we’d run out quickly. Not sure if some offices will have to close due to travel isolation / school closures as just the few offices I’m around have had some dds/staff on March break holidays and all have young children.

/r/CanadaCoronavirus Thread