[Rolex Submariner green "Hulk"] Just picked up my first "real" watch and couldn't be happier with it.

See, the thing is, you think that it is a funny and witty response... it really isn't.

It is obvious and it is also obnoxious and just childish.

My response isn't hypocrisy and it isn't ironic, but you probably think it is.

To say "everyone should be able to express themselves" and also to say "stop being an arsehole" are not mutually exclusive. To call someone out on being an asshole whilst advocating free speech is not irony either.

The picture OP posted is completely non-offensive. There is absolutely no need to say things such as "just because you spent a whole bunch of money" doesn't mean it is real. Nobody said that is why it is real. It is so judgmental and bitter. For all you know, the reason why the person called it real could because they see this watch as the first watch they own that is horologically important.

Reality is that it is even more obvious - OP is saying how when he was younger, he could not afford the real deal - now he can afford the "real" thing.

This sub really is becoming a huge circlejerk and it is becoming an incredibly unpleasant place because of comments like one made by /u/frshmt

There is so much defensiveness against anything that is even remotely associated with wealth (inherited or earned, not that it should matter anyways unless it is used directly to attack someone else).

This sub really is becoming such a hostile and unpleasant place where one feels like walking on egg shells - you have to worry about using the right terminology, posting the right things, at the right time etc etc.

It really is sad to watch this sub become this. I have been a very active user for about 12 months here and in the past 2-3 months the community has really become quite a spiteful one.

It is a big shame.

I love watches and I love photography. I have so many cool and what I think "interesting" ideas. I feel that people like yourself really spoil it because to be honest, I really don't want to share any of my photos any more and of my ideas.

It is sad.

/r/Watches Thread Link - i.imgur.com