Roosh V gets beer thrown in his face and chased out of bar

It's not an accusation, simply my opinion: I believe you are concern trolling.

Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one.

You're not doing my homework, because I already know what concern trolling is. This is your homework.

Then you won't mind posting your definition, unless you're afraid of being called out on it.

You're not a very intelligent person, are you? It's okay, I'm sure you can find happiness even with your limited mental abilities.

Opinion or accusation?

Yeah, that's the same fucking thing. You claim without evidence that these actions will have the opposite intended result. That is classic concern trolling.

And what have you provided other than canned responses?

Oh, I don't care about that: what matters is that more people realize that he is a douchebag, and that he becomes less successful at abusing unsuspecting women.

Yet you seem completely oblivious to the fact that by expanding his audience, you're granting him the means to visit more places so he can in turn expand his reach of potential victims and adherents.

In any case, you are talking about him as well. By defending him, and thus furthering the debate about him, are you not helping him get richer on ad revenues as well? Here's a thought: just stop responding, so that you do not contribute to his good fortune.

Except I'm not putting him in the news or encouraging people to do so.

We're done here. Further replies will be answered with a simple "sorry, not interested." I've wasted enough time on a concern troll like you.

Can't be easy trying to claim victory when people keep calling you out on your bullshit, which is what you should have done with this guy. Keep repeating concerned troll enough times and you might finally believe it, I doubt anyone else does.

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