Russia, Syria bombed US-backed fighters in Syria, US general says

I would be just fine with a russian Crimea if they had a free

Don't worry. It was free. Their 'freedom' got crushed in their previous two referendums, 1991 and 1994, where their decision was dismissed by Ukraine.

e and internationally recognized

As in "the West agrees"? Good luck with that. And the rest? They are afraid that the West will sanction them if they recognize the wishes of the Crimean people, because that's all Europe is. A group of bullies.

rimea was an autonomous region of Ukraine with it's own government even before the annexation.

Crimea was Russian before the USSR and only became an administrative part of Ukraine because an Ukrainian leader gifted it away without even asking the people. No decent person would recognize such an arrogant and careless act. Besides, the gift was with the condition that Ukraine would remain in the USSR. Not valid anymore.

A vote at gunpoint is neither democratic nor free.

Fortunately it was not at gunpoint. Sadly, the only way the Crimeans can have a vote is if someone else forces the Ukrainian army to stay away. Sad, isn't it?

You don't believe it? Go to Crimea and ask the people. You wouldn't dare because you know you are wrong, but then again I don't assume you have any decency.

Even then the Falkland islands is more ethnic british than Crimea ever was ethnic russian.

Doesn't matter. All you need is a majority. If 65% of the Falklands had voted to remain British, you'd be okay with that. Democracy is democracy with 65 or 99 percent votes. Besides, 97% of voters chose Russia, so same thing.

A barren rock like the falklands islands of under 3 000 souls is not equivalent to a peninsula of 2 million people.

You are right. An entire Russian republic that was forced to be a part of a country they don't identify with by an arrogant POS like Kruschev is far more of a tragedy than the pathetic attemps of the UK to retain the little specs of their Empire, knowing they will never get it back and are doomed to be a vassal state of the US.

Crimea is exactly as Russian as the Falklands are British. I'm fine with the Falklands being British (though I don't appreciate having such an imperialistic, murderous shithole as a neighbour), but my views are consistent. Yours and that of Europe, are not.

By the way, stop trying to destroy Syria. You've done enough to make the lives of millions miserable by now.

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