"She said no Joey"

it’s an easy target because terrible stuff DOES happen at frats

I won't defend frats as a whole or frat culture, because you're right-- terrible stuff does happen at frats.

But it's also worth stating that if a guy does something bad and he's not part of a frat, he's just a college student who did something bad. If a guy does something bad and he is part of a frat, then he's a frat member who did something bad, and gives frats as a whole a bad name.

Same if it's group harassment. If several friends harass women, they're a group of harassers. If several friends who are part of a frat harass women, the frat is a harassing frat.

But again, this isn't meant to discount the times frat culture has led to terrible things. I do think frats take a little more heat than they deserve, though, just because it's an identifiable marker.

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