Sam leaving Periscope

I made a comment on here about Sam yesterday (now deleted) that I hope didn’t play into this, so I’d like to clarify what I meant now.

Basically, I used to worship the ground Sam walked on, both as a makeup artist and as a person. I thought she was cool and beautiful and I bought anything she recommend (I was 17/18 at the time) and I basically wanted to be just like her. However, through this sub and just growing up and maturing a little bit basically, I came to the conclusion that Sam is just a normal girl who makes mistakes and posts makeup videos from her home. She’s not some mythical being that I once thought she was. Would I still love to be her friend? Yes. Do I still follow her on everything and watch her videos? Yes.

My main qualm with Sam, which I did post yesterday, is that her too cool to care attitude can sometimes be a little much. I do think she works hard and is grateful for what she has and her followers, but she pretty regularly jokes about what a “shit YouTuber” she is, and even though that is part of her personality, I feel like it could be a little disheartening to people who work so hard and upload regularly or even working a normal job who aren’t making the same kind of money.

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