San Francisco Woman Shot, Killed While Strolling on Pier with Father in 'Random Shooting'; shooter had 7 prior felony convictions

Its simple math if are too lazy to look it up.

No, I was unable to find any number even close to that. According to this link, Microsoft applied for 16k H-1B visas and 10k green cards between 2011 and 2014. Not all of these are approved. Most tellingly, Microsoft is not listed as a H-1B dependent employer, which they would be if over 15% of their FTEs were on H-1Bs. Your math is just bad.

If it was talent whyd they lay off 18,000 employees recently.

Most of the people that Microsoft laid off were either from Nokia or in sales/marketing. Actual developers were mostly unaffected (although there were some incredibly WTF decisions like closing MSR Silicon Valley).

Is microsoft, google, oracle, facebook, disney not the best employers?

I don't consider places like Oracle or Disney to be desirable places to work, no. But if you seriously think that FB or Google are using H-1Bs for any reason except to get top-tier talent at market price, you're definitely wrong. For example, here's the list of the most frequent universities that Google's green card applicants came from (source):

Carnegie Mellon University(57),University Of Waterloo,Canada(55),Tsinghua University,China(47),Stanford University(42),University Of Southern California(26),Georgia Institute Of Technology(25),Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China(23),Peking University,China(22),Cornell University(22),Massachusetts Institute Of Technology(22)

Those are all top-tier schools. 75% of all of their green card applicants have a masters or doctorate.

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