A Sanders fan concurs, brushing off a comparison between the socialist who blames billionaires, and the billionaire who blames foreigners. Kim De Lutis says: "They are polar opposites. Trump divides, Bernie unites.''

Lol, no I'm saying times are tough all over. Not every single person went to college, some went on to open their own business, some went off , died in war, and some never left their mothers basement. What I'm saying is that life sucks, it's hard as Fuck some days, and hopefully by the time you did you've saved enough money to live comfortably for a few years til you kick the bucket. You assume wanting better means a white collar job, I'm saying that if you want a better life, being your own boss is the best option. No matter what you do, or how much money you have you're going to die. In my opinion finding a job that nets you the most happiness is better than a job that nets you the most money. For me it was being a cook, I've wanted to be a cook since I was 8. I love to cook, now being a cook doesn't really make you a lot of money unless you've been doing it for years (which I have been 22yrs as a matter of fact). So I've gotten to the point now where I make decent money in the field I'm in. No, hopefully over the next 5 years or so I'll open my own restaurant and make a lot more money. Its not really the money I'm after though, I've gotta feed my family somehow and I'd rather do it , doing something I love and am passionate about than have gone to college wasting money on a career I didn't like and job I wasn't passionate about. I do understand the societal pressures, because people tried to push me torwards that. I also understood that I could never do a job I didn't absolutely love. I want my children to have better, that why I take the time now even though they're 6&8 to show them how to cook, but also to support them in anything they decide they want to do whether it be a rocket scientist, or a race car driver. I teach them to cook though, so that one day if they want to take over the business, they'll have the knowledge to be able to without having to swallow there lives up in insurmountable debt. If my business fails, is it the taxpayers resposibliky to reimburse me the loans I'll have to take on ?

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