Saw this for the first time in a newer lecture hall...

Used to be over 300lbs, current 186, want to lose 20-25 more.

You DO feel shitty, but you need to get fed up with feeling that way before you do something about it. You need to wake up one day and say to yourself "I'm tired of being fat, I'm tired of feeling this way, I'm tired of all the shit that comes with it". You gotta hit the bottom, basically. It's all willpower, it's learning healthy eating, it's slowly but surely exercising more and more. If you don't want it, you won't do it. You make excuses, you tell yourself you're fine.

Some people look at me now and say "wow, you've really lost a lot of weight" but I still see myself as fat, because I am. I'm at least 20-25lbs overweight, my BMI is 26.7, that's overweight. losing 25lbs would put me around 23, which is on the high side of normal. You got to want it. If you don't, you join the HAES movement, you keep being fat, and you try to tell everyone that it's okay.

I started losing the weight years ago, and when I first got on a treadmill (I went out and bought one, figured if I spent money I'd actually do it, rain or shine), I lasted 5 minutes before I had to quit. But that became my base. 5 Minutes. Every day, I told myself I'm going to add 30 seconds to that, every single day. By the end of summer, I was on that treadmill for 50+ minutes every day.

You make excuses, you keep being fat. You stop with excuses, you stop being fat. You get some willpower, you learn portion control, you get some healthy eating habits. Yeah, I still eat shit every now and then, there's no excuse for that. I had an ice cream sandwich last night. But when I was fat, I'd do that every night. Now, it's once a month. This community gets shit for being mean, and yeah it can be. Sometimes it can be hurtful just for the sake of being hurtful, but if you want to lose weight, or keep it off, it helps keep you on the right path.

Anyway yeah.

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