School is no longer about learning; it's about passing

I have a serious question. I grew up very poor and went to a school for poor people in western NC. My Junior year I had a 4.1 GPA and because of a 1st place award in a national science fair I was accepted to UCLA with a partial scholarship.

I moved to California that Summer and took Summer School classes at a private school in SM. They were so warm and caring. The teachers seemed to enjoy children and put effort into inspiration of young minds. I was struggling with some Advanced Calculus and the teacher stayed after class and tutored me for about 3 hours until she was confident I had the concept down. I made more progress in 1 month than I made in a year. I couldn't help but compare that to my public education with tremendous resentment. My only memories are of indifference, laziness and cruelty. I didn't have one hero or role model in school, if anything I had a few enemies in the faculty. Looking back I think our school was just a Day Care For Adults and I was one of the kids that actually made them work and they hated me for it. I remember overhearing one teacher calling me "Mr Know It All" behind my back once.

It's been 17 years since I finished grad school (Molecular Biology UCLA) and I still have so much resentment towards my childhood educators it still bothers me to this day.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread Parent