School obsolete in 10 years?

Here is an example.

Globalism might have moved US jobs to China, but then automation has automated a large % of those manufacturing jobs.

This means GDP went up for the US and China, but workers became poorer and labour more replaceable. The salary that workers used to be paid in the US has now been split up to pay for upper management in US, China, and the manufacturing bot development/maintenance.

So from most working people's perspective, they will just get poorer despite a flourishing economy with easier access to cheap goods (produced by the bots that replaced them). They will have become obsolete because a bot was invented to out-compete them within just a fraction of their lifetime. If you think of human as a type of bot, then bot 2.0 replaced the more expensive and less efficient bot 1.0.

How long did that take to make a significant % of humans obsolete? 30 years?

But technology is advancing at a faster pace now. So maybe it was chipping away at single digit % of making people obsolete (forcing them to apply for disability in the US; you should check stats on what happened to rate of disability claims when car factories left the US), but within the next 20 years maybe double digit %'s will become obsolete. Many projections from around the world are saying at least 10-30% of people will become obsolete (e.g. drivers, call centers, and some categories of white collar work) within this decade.

So that's how it can happen. It can happen in a very normal seeming way where suddenly you are unemployable and don't know why. You might lash out and be angry. You might look for a strong personality to be a leader. For example, fascism-lite might look appealing to Make America Great Again.

So why bother with school? It's definitely a gamble. It might give you the credentials to become part of the group that has invested heavily in technology for so long. Why don't you hear more about it on news? Because why would news bother to advertise something that would turn people against them? You don't want people uniting to get shares of the value that automation is creating. You don't want people to realize that they are slowly being permanently replaced and will have no options once they have been completely replaced.

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