Seen on Facebook, the 2 year old daughter of a well known Christian artist passed away and several days later they are still praying for her to come back to life. It’s truly heartbreaking.

i have to say that i do admire in some ways their faith. like they actually believe she will raise. i feel like when i was deep into christianity i always had doubts and always felt like prayers wouldn’t work.

it’s sad that they lost a child but the conspirator in me wonders of it’s an act? like what if the girl isn’t dead and this narrative is out there to have a big publicized resurrection miracle? i mean no one/church would go that far right? that’s too messed up right?

well, i’m not sure what the outcome of praying would be for this child.

if i could, i would bring the child back from the dead. no parent should outlive their children :(

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