Self Promotion Saturday! The one stop shop for new content creators and viewers!

Hi everyone. Names Joseph, I go by Superbubblesman or Bubbles for short. Back in 2012 I had my own stream. Ive since joined an awesome team over at

Its a labor of love that we do. We are still small'ish. I myself am not interested in money. More on the lines of sharing with others enjoyable moments.

Everyone else seems to have all these awesome stories to tell. So here a few great moments in my League career.

Season 2 I was bad... really bad. Like 500 elo bad. To put that in perspective in our current ladder, I was below bronze 5. If there was a wood division below bronze I would have been Wood 4. I was (kinda still am) a toxic raging player. After developing a system to combat my own toxicity, I went from 500 elo to 1500 before the end of the season. It was hard but with insight and growth I "got gud."

I smashed SIVHD once upon a time. He is really funny and nice.

Recently the GenGAME ranked team went against Best Buy's Canadian* team and won. It was THE HARDEST game of my life. I went Nasus top vs a Darius and just, just, just made it without feeding.

For some time I was the most played Nasus NA. Ya, even though I sucked and had to rise from bronze, I was the most played and best win rate with him before he was "gud". Im pretty sure someone else passed me up that season, but from the original league forums post about most played champs per account I was on top for some time. I stopped looking at it after a while.

Im a big Lakers/Clippers fan. I have done some awesome color guard for the Clippers before with my NJROTC unit.

Last thing to look forward to from myself as part of the GenGAME team, im currently working on a new method to combat personal and team toxicity. So far I give it a 80ish% success rate. Ya, if you or a teammate is being toxic, ive come up with a way to shut that shit down. Ill have a video series and a detailed explanation on how to get it to work. So if you or someone you know is toxic, rages, or has problems in general playing this game, Ive got you! Dont worry, ive been there, ive done dumb and bad things. I have said rude and toxic things. I have done toxic things. I was the scum of the community. Sorry if you have had to encounter such a thing, but I have a solution that I am working. Its just not 100 yet.

Thats all, enjoy what you will. I know Ill be watching! I hope to watch some if not all of you be awesome. Always remember... IM BATMAN!

/r/leagueoflegends Thread