Is it selfish of me to want an abortion?

I appreciate that, thank you.

Glad to converse with you as well.

I get that I don't have the most agree upon opinions, but there is logic to it, and a strong sense of fairness as it relates to keeping yourself physically and spiritually healthy.

I really need you to understand that ingesting anything food-like to induce a miscarriage is actually poisoning yourself physically. It's not a spiritual journey to see if the forces of the earth agree with your decision. It's very important. Whatever you ate/drank to induce a miscarriage could have lasting detrimental effects on your organs (namely kidneys/liver). It's a really really really bad idea.

All I saw when I got here where a lot of comments saying that it's not a selfish choice when I think a lot of the time that it is.

I don't think it is, but let's explore that a bit. For the sake of this argument, let's assume that the woman has done everything possible to prevent the pregnancy, but she's pregnant anyway. Let's also assume that there are no major health concerns (physical/mental) about carrying the baby to term and she's financially able to support the baby. If all that is true, and she still doesn't want the baby, it's not selfish to have an abortion.


<disclaimer> This is now solely my opinion and it's definitely more emotional than logical.<disclaimer>

Because many reasons, but most importantly, because a pregnancy results in creating another human. That human, in my opinion, needs all the help it can get to turn into a viable and positive influence on our [over-burdened] planet. There are a lot of things that can derail this process (injuries/illness/accidents/social structure), but they come into the world feeling unwanted, neglected or as the cause of strife between their parents, you've already severely impacted this process before the child is even born. The pregnancy was unwanted, so maybe the mother was drinking before she knew... or maybe she's over stressed and bitter... or many many things that to me, can already hurt a very fragile process, and therefor eventually create a "negative" influence on our planet/society instead of nurturing the well being of the existing human (the woman). There are a lot of bad people in the world. And statistically, when you create a stigma and limit a woman's access to an abortion, you tend to make more bad people.

/r/relationships Thread