[Serious] Determined and emotionally strong redditors, what advice do you have on cultivating resilience?

I learned from past mistakes. Mistakes aren't something you plan for, they happen, and there are very real consequences for your actions, and for your inaction. Sometimes you can make a difference even if you aren't the one suffering. Sometimes you learn how to deal with emotional, and physical stress because of someone else. The burdens you feel you bare are real by virtue of you feeling them. Be proactive, not dilatory. You can help make life better not just for yourself, but for other people. Sometimes that means doing things for the good or betterment of someone without them knowing.

I've personally been effected by my own life experiences, and the experiences I've shared, and have had shared with me by other people. Others like yourself. Don't let things bother you. Let that wacky chemical reaction in your brain go, and don't let it consume you.

Those negative emotions you feel are a darkness that eventually encapsulates you. It becomes you, and in that, you become dark. Your thoughts, and actions become motivated by something less than apathy. Don't let that darkness become a void. That void can, and will grow to consume you in it's entirety.

If you've been through some rough shit, I understand. There's a lot of people that understand. There are people like you. People who want answers, and help. Chances are, there's a group meeting somewhere, for whatever reason. Drugs, violence, depression, and all sorts of groups that you would be surprised want to help you.

The most astounding fact about all of this, is that there are people who have gone through the very same thing as you. Somewhere, someone shares that darkness. Meeting these people, and learning how they have dealt with, or are currently dealing with the same problems as you is a good way to improve your condition.

If you can't find them locally, find them on the internet. Don't be inactive. Be proactive. Go, and find a support group. If your a friend, spouse, or other loved ones of someone going through dark times, there are support groups for you to. These will help you understand the problems people you know, and love are dealing with. Problems you yourself may not fully understand.

If you're one of these persons, be supportive of your loved one. Try to understand them. Chances are they can't help others any better than they can help themselves. And, sometimes, all they need is for someone to show them they care. Someone who is willing to walk hand in hand through the gates of hell, and lead them to the other side into heaven.

/r/AskReddit Thread