[Serious] Why did you stop talking to your best friend? Specially, someone you thought was your best friend?

Our phonecalls generally lasted 2-3 hours where she would only speak about herself, complain about her boyfriend and her mum, and tell me how she's overall miserable. She'd dump heavy conversations on me without even asking if I was in the headspace to have them, (which is a shame considering she's a Therapist herself.)

Eg: once when I was having a really bad day, she texted me to tell me that she had fought with her mum, and was about to OD on her sleeping pills. She makes such threats regularly. Had I responded to it, it would result in a 2 hour long conversation of me trying to make her feel better. On that occasion, I decided to not respond to her message.

I immediately felt like an asshole for not responding, but I was tired of putting my feelings away to accommodate hers. 15 minutes later she shared a meme with me telling me how hilarious it was.

That's when I realized this friendship was toxic and a one way street, and that I was done.

/r/AskReddit Thread