[Serious] Have you ever been contacted by a Catfish on the Internet?

I have been on both ends of this situation. I was catfished by a guy that I met in an AOL chatroom. He was super friendly, funny, and smart. He took forever to send a picture and when he did, he was what some would consider really cute (I tend to like plainer looking guys). We moved from online to the phone and then we planned to meet after a year of friendship and flirting. He called me the day of right before I left and told me that the picture was really old. I was fine with that. When I got to the place, he was no where to be seen. There was, however, this guy who kept staring at me who I thought was cute. I left after waiting around for an hour. He called me that night and told me that I had a great smile. I asked him why he didn't come up to me and he finally admitted that the guy in the picture wasn't him. I asked if he was the guy who kept watching me and he confirmed. I would have really liked him in person if he had not lied to me. I actually thought he was really cute, but I just could not deal with the lying.

I catfished a guy in my late teens. My friend really liked this guy and wanted me to call him without telling him who I really was. She wanted me to get to know him and see if he would like her. I called and told him that I got the number from a guy at school. I told him that I was a new student and described myself completely differently that I was so he wouldn't know who I really was. After weeks of talking on the phone for hours and missed (on purpose on my end) connections at school , he told me that he was falling in love with me. I finally fessed up. He was heart broken that I had lied. He told me that he still wanted to get to know me in person because of our connection. I couldn't do it to my friend. We stayed in touch, though. He recently attended my wedding and thus July, I'll attend his. A week before my walk down the aisle, we both admitted that we do love each other, but know it will never work. The four of us are friends.

/r/AskReddit Thread