Did roads exist before taxes? Are taxes necessary or should the government be crowdfunded? /r/news decides in fresh, ongoing drama.

As a 30 year old man... i'm terrified by my country (US) right now.

The older generation seems to be dominated by that mentality. The "fuck you got mine". All those boomers that prospered during the 60s-80s and now want to dismantle the world in which their households were built. They have become mean, senile, and as the world culturally changes around them, as a black man has taken office.. they're aversion to cultural "otherness" has gone into hyper-drive. They're increasingly libertarian, increasingly hold "scorched earth" policies, increasingly anti-science and turning science/facts/reality into some kind of culture war.

And on the other-side a bunch of do-nothing social justice warrior millenials parading around SRS and Tumblr and Twitter who believe in this form of social justice that emphasizes the names by which we should call some strains of inequality over specifying the mechanisms that produce them or even the steps that can be taken to combat them. Under this people become more concerned with signaling goodness, usually through semantics and empty gestures, than with actually working to effect change. You have now signaled you are a "bad person"(TM), and people who spend countless hours on the internet trying to signal to peers they are "good people"(TM) will rip you down for it and ruin you. Modern social justice, as it exists on the web is nothing more than personal testimony, in which the feelings of individuals are the primary or even exclusive means through which social issues are understood and discussed. It's all about positing yourself as more noble as the next guy - so they do dumb shit like call out people joking about gluten-insensitivity as "ableists", take simple G-rated husband/wife jokes as the epitome of misogyny, call Weird Al as ableist for using the word spastic in his song "Word Crimes" and just..endless examples of lunacy (oops ableist!).

I know the world is far more nuanced than this but whenever i seem to interact with people online and in real life, the ease in which i can apply "tumblr" and "fox news" labels to these sorts as a gross generalization, is scary.

You have one side trying to tear the world apart out of selfishness and ignorance and a bunch of narcissists trying to prove to you they have a bigger "Good Guy Badge" than everyone else.

'Murcia. Fuck ya.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com