[Serious] Have you ever thought about killing yourself and if so, why?

Yeah all my friends stopped hanging out and talking to me because I left for online school since I was so behind on credits and never cared for school.

All but one friend kept contact and one day he started saying how everyone thinks I'm a HS dropout , and he bragged how they all hung out and he started making fun of my intelligence at the time calling me special ed, and every time I posted something he told me to kill my self. (I'm not, I don't have anything mentally wrong or physically, I was simply just a scum bag covered with a smile and politeness)

Shit really got to me, my parents weren't any help since my dad just talked about my old junior high football mates I give 0 shits for.. They were all rich assholes and still are. Ironically my mom is a therapist and goes out on crisis calls when kids threaten suicide, but when she comes home she wants 0 negative thoughts around her.

Later on I got text from 'friends' bullying me and I was still in that High school mentality so it felt like my world had ended. At my old online school we have this building we go to for exams and unit test and id have to walk there, and I had to walk on a busy highway road with big ass semi trucks.. One day I left my house walked to 7/11 drunk my 'last' monster and continuned my walk until I heard a semi.. And I did but at the last 5 seconds I was about to jump it, my older brother spotted me in his car coming home from drill and we went for tacos and told me "HS is stupid, don't end yourself over something stupid. Now I'm not going to tell mom because there is no telling what she would do." Only got 2-3 more HS college quarters to go! And I've got real friends who share actual same interest as me!

/r/AskReddit Thread