[Serious] Ex cult members, what cult where you in and why did you join / leave ?

Reddit ain't going to like this, but I was in a Jesus cult for a couple years and I've never regretted it. Honestly, they saved my life. Gave me a sense of self-worth. I left because I couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life there, but I've always been glad for the time I was with them.

When I joined, I was low. No cash, no education, no skills, no family that would even talk to me anymore. I was walking around town, not really going anywhere when this big old bearded dude came up with a sandwich and a cup of coffee. He said I could stay with him and his people as long as I needed. Turned out to be most of a year.

His people were definitely a cult--life was very simple, focused on religion and the community. We lived in common, which means that everyone serves everyone else, and there's no money or possessions, really. No TV or movies or video games. We'd read in the evenings, or sing religious songs.

And work. Buddy, did we work. That's all we did. Dawn to dusk, 5 days a week. Renovating this old house in a small town, where we were going to start a restaurant. There was also a little farm outside town where we grew most of our food, and a kitchen where all our meals were cooked. The weekends were pretty chill, though. Lots of praying on the Sabbath, of course. But we'd play volleyball, too.

Now, you might say we were suckers, working for no pay. But I didn't see it that way. I still don't. There was no big boss man sitting in the shade while we slaved away for him. I mean, of course there was a big boss man. But he worked harder than anybody. Everything we built, everything we grew, everything we cooked, it was all for us to share. I think it's like how the Indians used to live in little tribes. When you're all a family, the idea is to get along, not ahead.

My job was to help out with the renovation. We didn't work fast, but the craftsmanship was the best I've ever seen. I learned enough on that job to make a decent living after I left.

I ended up leaving just before the restaurant opened. By that time, I knew I had to make a choice. I was about to be in line for an arranged marriage, and my job was about to go from construction to waiting tables.

I didn't want either of those things and I'd finally got my head straightened out so I left. They didn't try to force me to stay, it wasn't that kind of cult. I've been to the restaurant a couple times, and everybody's real friendly.

I think I'm better for having lived with them. Calmer. More caring. The Jesus thing didn't stick, but it was what I needed at that time in my life.

/r/AskReddit Thread