[Serious] Generally calm, even-tempered, and non-aggressive people, what event flipped a switch in you and made you snap?

This is the most recent event I can think of:

I live in a three-story shared apartment building. One of the downstairs roommates occasionally pet sits her friends' dogs for them. We live in an older building, so the doors are old and don't latch very well sometimes. Anyways, I had left town for a few days and asked a close friend to stop by to check on my cat while I was gone. On this particular night, my downstairs neighbor had her sister's dog in town because her sister was visiting. They were both gone so the dog was alone in the building, and somehow their door had been left slightly ajar/unlocked. My friend entered and was passing by their door (I live on the third floor), the dog comes out, growls, and goes back into the apartment. So he goes upstairs to visit my cat, and leaves shortly afterward. As he's passing by the door again, the dog comes out and bares its teeth, growls, and lunges at his arm. Thankfully, he was wearing a leather jacket so he was protected but he had to book it back up the stairs into my apartment to avoid any further confrontation. He then proceeds to TEXT me about this, and from 180 miles away, I start freaking out. He's totally calm because he's in shock.

So, I call my downstairs neighbor and basically lose it on her. I was so angry that I was shaking. Not only was my friend scared out of his fucking mind, the situation could've been much worse and he could've been seriously injured. It takes me about ten minutes to get her to promise that her sister's dog will never be returning to our apartment building, and the threat that I will be telling our landlord that she allows dogs to stay in her apartment (which is against our lease agreement) if I ever see that dog in our building again. Needless to say I was incredibly pissed after this conversation, because had it not been my friend in a leather jacket it could've been any of us going to get our mail in a bathrobe, or my fucking cat getting out of my apartment. She tried to reassure me that the dog is "super good with other animals" and that this "was the first time that had ever happened" but I wasn't having any of it. Anyways, that's the angriest I've been in over a year because being angry takes a lot of energy and usually makes me shake uncontrollably.

/r/AskReddit Thread