[Serious] How are you?

Not the best.

I'm job-to-job scraping by on rent payment. I've had all of the opportunities in my hands over the past 5 years, yet they've passed in what seems like months due to no-one's fault but my own.

My acne has been getting worse, and has spread from my face, neck, back, chest and upper arms down to my forearms. I didn't even know that was possible. I'm now finally realizing that I'll never actually be pretty- but I will always be disgusted with myself when I look in the mirror. I've had several guys tell me I'm attractive before- but they don't know what's behind the make-up or under the clothes. It's a goddamn mess. I can't even wear T-shirts when it's 90 degrees out.

I will never find a boyfriend because I don't deserve one. Part of me thinks I don't even deserve friendship.

One of the job titles I hold is ultimately pointless and a waste of community money and my time. I desperately need to quit before I go insane, but I need the funds.

It's all okay though, because I'm comfortably numb and I make a great facade. I don't think anyone can see past my p-p-p-poker face.

I present myself as a genuine person: I'm great at smiling and eye-contact, I listen to others problems and offer advice, I care about other people; but these intentions are almost never reflected back at me.

Thanks for asking u/Dalek2923

/r/AskReddit Thread