[Serious]How divisive has the topic of politics become within your family in recent years?

My mother and I used to discuss politics. She used to make fun of Trump, but once her friends began to forward her some propaganda on a regular basis, she became brainwashed and believed everything he said. She was just a staunch Republican before, but she now is fully on board the MAGA train. The rationale for her political views has caused me to question her intelligence to the point that I don't even truly respect her opinions. All of our discussions would turn to arguments and then to shouting matches. I finally told her that we couldn't discuss politics, because we never conceded each others' points and always wound up angry. Now we at least don't bring it up, but the knowledge that she still believes every bit of the bullshit that is put out by right-wing cult media infuriates me. I want to talk sense into her. I'd be fine with her being Republican if she at least had good reasons for it. She is just one of the sheep going along with the Trump cult, with no actual knowledge of his policies or background. I'm embarrassed for her, and I've lost respect for her.

Just to be clear, I understand some people may like Trump and have done actual research and agree with his views. I'm not attacking all Trump supporters. I just don't like the idea of my mother being one of the naive sheeple that is so easily manipulated by propaganda.

/r/AskReddit Thread