[Serious] People who have accidentally caused the death of another person, what happened?

I was a cause of a suicide, albeit indirectly.

When I was ten years old, I took some money from my older brother's cabinet. It was about three dollars I think. I needed the money for a school project (mom was not around, I didn't have any, and my brother was asleep). I thought it would be just fine because he is already working that time and he had a lot of money. A few hours later, he woke up and was so furious. He found it out. When he asked me, I told him I don't know anything. I was (and still am) afraid of my brother. Then he blamed his girlfriend that then lived with us. Turns out they already have a lot of issues between them. They had a fight, and she was thrown out of our house. Iirc they broke up because of that. I felt guilty.

Then a few weeks later we found out she drank some kind of poison. Apparently she was so heartbroken she commited suicide. My brother still keeps a photo of her in one of his pouches. Her photo still haunts me to this day.

I'm seventeen now, and this is the first time I've told anybody about that.

/r/AskReddit Thread