[Serious] Redditors that drive at night, what's the craziest/creepiest/scariest thing you've seen while driving?

I've mentioned this here before and it is neither spectacular nor terrifying but it seriously creeped me out.

I was driving along a main road in a rural English county at around 1am, I was sober but a little tired, on my way home.

Either side of the road is a 2ft grass verge then a 6/7ft tall hedge, the other side of the hedge is just fields. Out of nowhere I see a person (I think a man, wearing dark coloured clothing) step out from the opposite side of the road towards the centre. I break fairly hard even though the guy seems to be a fair way ahead (full beam is on and the roads are very wet, I'm probably doing 45/50mph before I start breaking). Turns out my hard breaking was necessary because the guy staggers the full width of the road and into the darkness on my side of the road (into the hedge/field), getting out of my view a fair while before I'd have hit him, but still close enough for me to be sure it was a person and he wasn't moving normally.

I kept driving because I wasn't really convinced that I had seen what I thought I had. A few minutes later an ambulance goes screaming past in the opposite direction to the one I'm travelling in (back towards what I just think I saw). Lights and sirens on, nothing else on the road.

Almost immediately after that, I come across a massive stain on the road. The stain covered the full width of a main single-carriageway road and was long enough for me to be passing over it for two seconds or so, even at 50mph. I know it was dark but I am as sure as I am of most things that this stain in the road was a deep red colour and is not normally there (this is a journey I take a lot, both before and after dark). It wasn't there earlier that day and wasn't there the following day.

I have tried explaining it away as the remains of a deer but it doesn't seem quite right. The 'blood' (if that's what it was) stain was far too big, there was no sign of any physical remains (bones, pulp, nothing). I've hit a deer before and this didn't seem like the remainders of that sort of accident.

If I hadn't seen such an odd thing shortly before this I'd likely just dismiss it, but the whole evening put together led to a pretty unsettling combination.

/r/AskReddit Thread