[Serious] Redditors with anxiety, what does it feel like for you and how do you cope with it?

I have Derealization disorder, which is anxiety on a whole other level. Anxiety for me is experienced all day every day, just at varying amounts. For me, I can feel my chest tighten, and my breathing become a lot of work. It feels very compressed. Sometimes, mainly during anxiety or panic attacks, it doesn't matter how much I breathe and it feels like I am not getting enough air which hyperventilating. It can be very panic-like, or the complete opposite. On the opposite side of hyperventilating, I can just completely shut down. I will lose the ability to focus on any given task, I won't be able to have conversations about anything because I will either lack the ability to follow anything they say and constantly ask "what?", only to eventually have them give up trying to explain. Sometimes my mind will be completely blank, and I lose the ability to speak or make coherent sentences.

Borrowing a quote from /u/Wonderpuff in this thread cause of accuracy:

It feels like when you think there's another step on the stairs but there isn't. Only for hours.

Anxiety isn't just this for me, though. It causes my entire reality to feel false. I have severe identity issues, I look at my SO and family and feel deep down that I have no idea who that is, or look in the mirror and not recognize that as myself looking back. My whole world seems fictional hazy. I have severe memory loss, both long and short term. I can end up places and with people and I'm not sure how, and forget major events soon after they happen.

As for coping, I don't have any great ways. Pot helps sometimes, sometimes it can make it worse (looking at you sativa.) Sometimes going for a walk or a drive aimlessly, not caring about where you're going or when you'll get back is nice. Gives me time to reflect and get away from everything and everyone. If I'm in a relationship, spending time with my SO can be very soothing. Hearing her voice, feeling her, seeing her smile, can sometimes work better than any medication in the moment. Because of the severity, however, I am prescribed Anti depressants, anti psychotics, and anti anxiety medications, as well as therapy. (Those meds are also taken to treat Borderline Personality disorder. Fun stuff.)

This may not be what you're looking for due to my specific circumstance, but I hope there's something here that helps.

/r/AskReddit Thread