[serious] What do hard drugs feel like?

Cocaine: Not my favorite, but gives you a great rush and you really do feel like you are the fucking man. I really hated the chest pains it gave me and i don't feel like it's worth the money compared to other drugs.

Ecstasy/MDMA/Molly: My personal favorite. Just a great rush and when you are rolling hard there is nothing better than to be with your close friends and you can all just talk and rub each other. Obviously i was friends with girls too lol but concerts/music, chilling and sex are just amplified to an amazing degree. You just feel very open and want to express your love. You WILL tell your friends you love them about 100 time an hour. This is the one i was most addicted to mostly because i was good friends with a dealer.

Euphoria: Stumbled upon this drug, it's actually a form of meth, not sure if anyone else has done it i am sure some of you have. By far the most intense thing i have ever done. It hit me like a ton of bricks and i was addicted immediately. It felt like i was washed over with love and i felt like i could do anything. Everything was so fucking interesting. It's really weird how strongly if affects you. Seriously do not do it. I only did it for a month luckily but it will ruin you.

LSD: Lots of fun. Some people claim they reach a higher consciousness but i think that's all bullshit. My friends and i would just get silly and laugh our asses off for 8 hours while listening to awesome music and talk about our lives. It was beautiful.

Shrooms: My other favorite, by far the most fun 4 hours you will ever have. They make you feel like a kid again and i really do believe they helped me get over a lot of my addictions i have been talking about. They put you in a mindset that is void of all the stresses and bad moods you would normally be in and make you realize just how stupid this all is. Plus they are also by far the safest thing you could put in your body.

DMT: Wow! Very intense. Felt like an hour but it really only lasts about 10-15 minutes. I went to a jungle and a sprite was talking to me. I don't remember really what we talked about but we were going through this jungle and everything was so cool looking then we got the edge of it and then there was a desert. The sprite asked me if i was ready and i just kept shaking my head no. The trip didn't last much longer after that and i haven't done it since. Kind of freaky.

Opiates/Heroin: I fucking hate this shit. It's the worst thing you could ever do. You know all these friends i keep talking about. Well two of them are dead now because of heroin and opana. It's a fucking shame. They make you feel pretty good and you can get a good buzz going but seriously don't do it. There is nothing more sad than a heroin addict and it ruins so many lives.

I have been sober now for two years thankfully and though i don't regret my drug experiences i do not recommend doing any of these drugs. It's your life though so do what you want just be safe and please make sure they are all legit. Be a responsible drug user at least.

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