[Serious] What is the most disgusting thing you've ever witnessed first-hand?

Ugh. Unfortunately, I have a helluva story to contribute.

Buddy wanted weed (which I do not smoke). He needed to go to this rather dilapidated house in the the impoverished part of town to pick it up and I went with him.

The putrid smell wafting all the way into the street and the red hatchetman spray-painted on the front door should've been my first clue to get the hell out of there. But I was 16, naive, and my buddy just needed to pop in quickly so I went in.

Swing open the front door. First thing that I see? A family of three mice sitting on top of her stove, sharing some leftover pizza that has been there for God-only-knows how long. I was horrified.

I tried to discreetly cover my nose with the sleeve of my hoodie. It was a mixture of cat piss, garbage, mold, rotten food, and body odor. The owner of the house was an overweight, disheveled woman and she was standing right there. I text my buddy, "Hurry up, please." while I stood in the doorway.

This woman could not shut up. I informed her about the mice that I saw and she shrugged it off.

Here's where it gets interesting.

She somehow got into detail about how her boyfriend "shoots massive loads". She begins bragging about it. She reaches into her massive garbage-pit of a shelf, and yeah... She pulled out a shot glass full of semen.

I visibly gagged, didn't say good-bye to my buddy. I just ran home. I ran, got into bed, and curled into the fetal position while trying to repress everything that I just saw.

Never talked to my buddy again after that.

/r/AskReddit Thread