[Serious] What is the most disrespectful thing a guest ever did in your home?

Wasn't technically in my home as it happened in my backyard. I was 7 and a neighborhood kid came over and asked if I could come out and play. We played together often so the answer normally would've been yes but my parents had just made dinner and it was dinner time and they said that no, I couldn't. The way our house was laid out, you couldn't see the back yard from the kitchen, so we ate dinner and had no idea that the little asshole was out in our backyard destroying my swing set. It wasn't a nice one or anything like that but I liked it and it was mine. It had a short little slide on the end, two swings and a teeter-totter type thing at the other end. I went outside after dinner to play by myself, and discovered my swing set flipped over and everything that could have possible been broken off of it, broken off of it. The slide, being cheap plastic, had clearly been stomped on which caused it to shatter in half. The teeter totter thing was bent all to hell, like someone had stood on one end of it and jumped up and down on just the one end. The seats to the swings had been stomped on too (or something) because they were ripped from the chains. I screamed for my dad to come outside and he was confused at first because he thought I had somehow done it all. Then he realized it had happened while we were inside eating so it must have been the kid that had come over. My dad called his parents to explain what happened and from what my dad told me, they asked him over the phone what happened to my swing set and he apparently said "I didn't do anything to it there was a tornado that did it." On a clear sky sunny summer day. The dumbass parents bought his excuse and then told my dad that he was a jerk for accusing their kid of vandalism when it was clearly storm damage and hung up. He was never allowed over to my house again and rightfully so because I hated him from that day forward.

/r/AskReddit Thread