[SERIOUS] What was the worst experience you had in elementary school?

This story still pisses me off after all these years.

I was in first grade and the teacher always arranged the desks into little "pods" of about five (so that they are all facing each other in a cluster). One day we were having snack time and my mom had given me cherry jello. Hell yeah. So I'm opening this snack in front of my friends with crackers and stuff and they are fascinated by the jello for some odd reason. I decide to kick it up a notch and try to be "cool", so I take out my napkin and plop the jello out from its plastic cup so it made a little mountain of jello in the shape of a cup. Kids thought that was awesome, and then I ate it and moved on to the next lesson.

The next day, one of the girls at my cluster of desks brings jello and decides to grab some of this delicious limelight after the happenings of the day before. She takes out her cup, pulls out the napkin, opens the lid of the treat, and shakes the jello right onto the fucking floor. She looks up at me like I just stabbed her grandmother, and then the other kids around us start to laugh. At this point I feel kind of bad, so I get up to help her pick up the mess. But no. This crazy little monster decides to yell to the teacher that I threw her snack on the floor, and then got up to smear it into the tiles even more. I stare at the teacher like a deer in headlights, trying to stammer out that this girl was lying through her teeth. The teacher wont have any of it though. Instead of hearing me out, she moves my desk out of my cluster, across the room, and presses it against the front of hers (so that I am facing her when she sits down). So now I am the only kid sitting alone, and I am not allowed to talk to anyone else, not even the teacher. I was devastated, since I really didn't do anything wrong. The teacher kept me there for two months before finally allowing me to join back with the other kids. The worst part of it all was that the little devil that lied and got me placed on my lonely island of shame would sneer and stick out her tongue at me anytime she got up to sharpen her pencil or throw something away (since the sharpener and trash were by the teacher's desk). 0/10 would recommend.

tl;dr A lie about Jello sent me into a crayon fueled solitary confinement.

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