[Serious] What is your "landlord/roommate from hell" story?

40yo alcoholic moving in with his new Chinese wife who he'd married after knowing her for 8 weeks, believed aliens were visiting us to spread messages of peace and love, would try and one-up you in any story you'd tell. One day things really blew up because he and his wife were in a screaming match AGAIN (seriously, this was like an every day occurence) and he threw her phone out the window so she tried to lock herself in the bathroom. He tried to knock the door down and she called the police saying he was trying to murder her. 6 cops turn up, it's 9am on a Saturday, my girlfriend just got back from a 2 week long business trip, it's fucked up. Wife ends up moving out but they continue to try and 'work things out'. She's over like twice a week and they would fuck so hard they dented the wall and then proceed to have another screaming match. Dude kept threatening suicide and we would frequently end up on suicide watch as a flat, making sure this twat badger didn't off himself. He never managed it and he never thanked us. He moved out a month ago and now we have another video game comic book nerd girl. Turned out okay I guess.

/r/AskReddit Thread