[SERIOUS] What's your story?

Hello my IGN is ShadowAnzelx I am an Accidental ADC main and sorry for the shit grammar.

Started playing League Since season 3 I really loved midlane but I could never get that role in ranked, as a result I picked up support cause I couldn't cs well or have good knowledge about jungle ganking so I ended up in bronze 5.Season 4 While being sad about being in the shittiest division after falling from bronze 3 back to bronze 5 after soft reset I decided that it was time to carry myself I couldn't get midlane, I hated top(Because of Nasus,Teemo and Kayle) I decided to go for adc.

My Problems lie with Cs-ing I could never get it right so I mained caitlynn/Lucian/graves I looked at the roll from a strategic stand point and saw that I had more game control compared to mid and sup I can control a team fight and decided when I can get towers and by the end of it I managed to get out of bronze 5 and ended up in silver 3 with a win record of 58 wins to 29 losses on Caitlynn.

Season 5 was a nightmare once cindlerhaulk came in I started to fall in ranks and ended up in silver 5 for like 5 months because Cait,lucian,graves fell out of the meta and Champions like Vayne,Sivir and Jinx came into the mix.

Season 5 was the most in game life changing as an adc. I learnt how to use Immobile adc's and position well in team fights and learnt how to draft my pick and see how a teamfight would play out from the champions picked on the enemy team and making a strategy and simulate in my mind how the team fight will play out and when I should go in.

By the end of the season I ended up in silver 2 because for some odd reason I decided that I didn't want to be an adc player and started maining mid/jung then went from silver 1 promos to silver V 3 weeks before the season ended and with season 6 starting with the ADC changes I felt like I've been rewarded for sticking to this shitty role for the past 2 years.

This has all been a strange ride for me I've always wanted to be a midlane main but I've always felt the Adc roll is just slightly better like my heart is telling me midlane but my brain is saying Adc like I don't even look up to any Pro Adc in the world I hate them all cause the best ones are all cocky with bad attitude and I respect midlaners alot more. The Good thing about being an adc for 2 seasons is from season 4 I learnt how to play aggressive/farm/trade and splitpush and season 5 I learnt how to position, draft, play passive and scale.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread