[SERIOUS] What's your story?

My name is Guy, better known to people as "Dirty Mexican" or "Gilacious" .. those that know who I am you'll recognise my name^

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzIosa9_o1E <-- E.G 1

Aight. I dunno if anyone will read this. Worth a shot anyways.. This isn't just a happy story of my life, it's also a very dark and depressing one..

My name is Guy, I'm currently 18.. I turned 18 on January 20 this year. I started playing league back in mid season 2.. I think it was 3-4 patches before the Darius release, anyways. I lived in Australia, I played with all my good friends from school or friends of friends (This was before OCE was released, we all played on NA at the time) I created many strong friendships and built on the ones I already had, League was an amazing game not just for building friends.. but it had a completely different vibe to it than other games I've played.. (You probably all know what I'm talking about) .. anyways. fast forward a little. As long as I can remember I had been diagnosed with chronic depression that was a result of a huge trauma I experienced as a child, my mother had a C section surgery for my brother to be born and I was really excited to see my new brother.. I was 8 at the time.. (This is where shit gets bad) One of the surgeons fucked up the surgery; sliced through an artery in my mothers stomach and she bled heavily internally, she went into a coma for 10 months. She came out brain damaged and weak, she couldn't even walk (only after 2 years she could) she couldn't remember almost anything, she couldn't remember my birthday, my hobbies, anything. This was the trauma that triggered by chronic depression that I still struggle with to this day. Anyways, during the time I was around 15 and a half.. I was notified by my dad that we're moving back to my country of birth, Israel. Immediately the news put me in a bad place.. I had less than a year left to spend will all the people I cherished.. at this point I didn't care anymore, I just did anything and everything to have fun. I was literally in a nofucksgiven mode, I started doing drugs, started from weed, then other shit. If anyone remembers me from Ubers streams you'd have heard him talk about me. Yes. I'm "THAT" Guy that he talks about on stream, the one who once in forever will play League sober and is always on something. At this point I have only 1 week left in Australia and I'm at the pits of my depression, I have no idea what to do; feels unreal that already half a year has passed and it feels like nothing.. at this point I say goodbye to my girlfriend, she doesn't take it well. I say goodbye to my friends (obviously Im dumb enough to have a goodbye party in my empty renovated house; lots of shit broken, windows, garage door etc and cops called, but this doesn't matter.)


And then I'm in Israel, I don't know what to do. I shut myself away in my room.. and what do I do? I play League. The new season has started and I moved from OCE to EUNE, In less than a week I climbed from Silver 1 to Platinum 5, so many sleepless depressed nights I spent just playing League.. In my spare time? I talk to my old friend.. I tell him I'm on EUNE, who is that "old friend" ? It's UberDanger. I met him yearrrrss ago when I was on NA and so was he, we ended up having really deep and meaningful conversations. He's honestly one of the big reasons I'm still here to this day and one of the reasons I love league as much as I do today.

League was my safe haven when I was in my worst of moods, it's what helped me when I couldn't sleep, it's what helped me meet these amazing people I can call friends now. I'll never take it for granted.

P.S Sorry if this is hard to read, I'm really shit at writing long paragraphs -.- but all the more. Thanks if anyone takes the time to read this.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread