[Serious] Where are you from and what are your local ghost stories?

Story time, gather.

When I was a senior in high school, one of my friends mentioned that his favorite game was LoZ: Majora's Mask. My ex boyfriend then asked "Have you heard about the story of "Ben Drowned"?" After my friend said no, my ex went on to show it to him and sent him the link so he could read it again later. I also read it myself b/c I was curious and I love video game myths.

A couple weeks after, me, my ex, my friend, and a couple other friends were hanging out at my ex's house. When my friend was telling us that Ben was giving him nightmares, a my other friend asked who Ben was. My ex got on his computer then looked up "Ben Drowned" so he could read the story to him.

When my ex was almost finished with the story, all of the lights on the entire block went out for five minutes. Although I'm an atheist and don't believe in the paranormal, this scared the hell out of me (pun intended).

As we were all freaking out in the dark, I felt someone tug at my pants. "Stop that. I know you're just trying to mess with me," since I thought one of my friends did it. Turns out they were all spread throughout the room and no one was near me enough to crawl, tug my pants, then crawl back quietly.

Later on, my friend was on Cleverbot and asked it silly questions. All of the sudden the Cleverbot said "I am Ben." My friend then told it "No way." Then the Cleverbot said "Yes way." After he tagged me and our friends in the screenshot he took of it, the lights in my house flickered briefly and turns out of my friends had an asthma attack after reading the story.

I know all of this might just be a mere coincidence, but at the time me and all of my friends were scared out of their minds.

TL;DR: Read abour "Ben Drowned" then got "haunted" for a few days.

/r/AskReddit Thread