Seriously don’t understand the point of “dating to date”

Dating like everything in life is a skill. It takes practice and experience to get good at it. Basically if I never been on a date before then chances are that I'll fuck up my first date.

You really want to put yourself in that position when you finally meet someone that you think is the perfect match for you?

I feel that you should be able to make yourself happy without the validation of others or a need of social points to show others you are attractive and so there is no point to “date to date”.

Oh for the love of God .. We are humans.

Seeing other humans is fun. Sex is fun and a bit of intimacy and tenderness is fabulous despite the fact that it only for a short while. We are created to need touch as humans.

You know .. Neither being close to some one, kissing nor sex are terrible things

/r/dating Thread