Sexual assault lawsuit filed against TO2015 chairman David Peterson

Here are the allegations (from the Globe article):

"The first, in October, 2013, took place at a dinner, where she alleges he told her: “You call me ‘Handsome,’ and I’ll call you ‘Sexy.’ ” At another, in April the following year, she alleges Mr. Peterson embraced her, “touching his chest to her breast.”

She alleges the final incident happened at an event later in April, 2014, at the organization’s headquarters in the Corus Quay building attended by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, sponsors, TO2015 board members and members of the organizing committee’s senior leadership team, including Mr. Rafi. Mr. Peterson, in front of attendees, allegedly said to Ms. Morris, “You look like a flamenco dancer, like you could just jump up on a table and start dancing” – an apparent reference, the claim alleges, to Ms. Morris’s ethnicity. He allegedly repeated the comment in a boardroom and then in an elevator."

Looks like she spoke up about it at the time, and instead of taking it seriously, they did nothing:

"Ms. Morris then met with Ms. Hacker about a week later. Ms. Hacker said she’d draft a report about the incidents and give Ms. Morris a copy, but a month later, she still didn’t have it, the lawsuit alleges. In May, Ms. Hacker told Ms. Morris there would be no report filed."

Note: one of the people who quashed it is female.

Then it appears she was shunted away from contact with them into some clerical position.

The lawsuit is for constructive dismissal, and it looks to me like she has a case. She wasn't taken seriously, and her job was changed as a result.

That said...

1) If I hug someone and my bulging pectorals and their ample bosom touch, is that assault? How bout the other way 'round? What if someone in a position of power hugs me and their breasts touch me, can I claim assault?

2) dammit, we're probably paying for this.

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