Shirking when someone really likes me: any infj's afraid of healthy intimacy?

Just an update, everyone. Him and I had a LONG talk. It's possible that my anxiety is really just my gut feeling saying that he's not the right guy. I'm open to honest feedback on this post.

1) He said that he's not looking for a serious, committed and monogamous relationship right "now". He's open to falling in love in the future, but is okay with having a sexual relationship with me currently. He said he wanted to get intimate with me last night, but understood that I wasn't there yet. I confessed to him that I also have a fear of serious relationships, but I want one in the long run. I also reiterated that I shut down last night. To answer throwawayinfj's question, my body just wasn't in the mood to go there. 2) I laid out my sexual preferences on the table, since many sexual abuse survivors have certain needs. I didn't necessarily tell him my trauma history, mind others. He did say he had some concerns about us being compatible sexually. I said, "That's why I'm telling you. I would rather know this now" I'm not hurt at his comment, because him not wanting to continue may be a relief for me. 3) When I look back at the few people that I've been in love with, my heart was in it 100%. I had no doubts. I just knew that I was in love. After dating this guy for the past few months, I just don't feel like I'm there 100%.
4) There are definitely positives with this situation. As I said previously, I get to be myself. He's giving positive feedback that challenges what some of my naysayers have said. I think we learn from every person you date. 5) Is it a possibility that we may fall in love in the future? Maybe. He says maybe too. Right now, we both share the doubt of committing to anyone right now. 6) I do worry a lot about breaking someone's heart, and feel even more guilty when I can't reciprocate the same amount of like that the other person has for me. 7) Spending time with this particular INTJ man is making me miss a different partner.

I don't know if that makes sense, but it's all what I've gathered so far.

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